Thursday, January 30, 2014

MLKJ Day Weekend

Good friends plus a long weekend plus a cabin equals just what we needed a couple of weeks ago.  Each year, since about 2008, we try to make it to a cabin at a state park on MLKJ Day weekend.  We've done it by ourselves, with family, or with friends.  Each time it has been fun and relaxing with lots of games being played, good conversations being had, good food being eaten, etc.  This year we went with some of our Memphis friends.  The picture below is of the group: Abbye, Larry, Elise, Michelle, Dane, Susan, Andy, and Marion.  We missed Abbye's husband, Jeff, not being able to make it.  Andy, Susan, and Marion are leaving soon to live in India and work with a ministry there.  This was a good and sweet farewell time together.

The whole crew

On a hike...

...with Andy, Susan, and Marion

Elise's breakfast spot...this one's for Larry!


Many books were read

View from the back deck

The cabin

Monday, January 27, 2014

Conversation in the Car Today

Elise: Where's Daddy?
Me: Daddy's at work.  He goes to work to work to help take care of us.
Elise: Mommy, don't worry about it.  What's wrong Mommy?
Me: Nothing, I'm fine.
Elise:  It's ok Mommy. (said with sincere sympathy)
Me: Thank you Elise.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Funny Girl

A few weeks ago I granted Elise's request to taste some habanero hot sauce.  Needless to say she didn't like it and started crying because it was so spicy.  Dane (the compassionate Daddy that he is) did all he could to make it better.  The thing that seemed to work best was giving her a mint.  Now whenever something is the least bit spicy Elise says, "It's spicy, I need a mitten!"

Monday, January 13, 2014

Elise is 2!

 We are very blessed to be Elise's parents.  It's unbelievable to me that she's already two.  I think all parents say that.  She is a funny little gal with her own little sense of humor always trying to make us laugh (sometimes when we shouldn't be).  She is quite independent too.  I told her she was independent the other day and she thought I was talking about her pinna (the outer part of her ear...I was teaching her random body parts a few weeks ago).  She loves books with a passion.  She's sleeping in her "big girl" bed now and doing great after a rough patch of about 3 days.  We're working on potty training and I really have no idea what I'm doing, but I think she's catching on.  Soon we'll get to see her in her role as "big sister".  - Mommy Michelle

When Elise was born, a co-worker told me she would be my greatest teacher. His prophetic words certainly ring true after her first two years. As her pupil, I have learned some things enthusiastically, and some things because I didn't have the option not to. But I'm thankful for every lesson. I have learned of courage I never knew I had - courage to provide for her and protect her. I have learned the love I have for my wife is deeper than I can comprehend. I have learned to respect my parents more. I have learned of new ways to laugh, new ways to cry, and new ways to get angry. I have learned more about the patience and long-suffering of my God. I have learned more about the depth of my own selfishness. I have learned how fun it is to dance and be silly. I have learned how much I still don't know about life. I have learned I can be somebody's hero. Thank you, Elise, for your lessons. I look forward to many more. - Daddy Dane

Elise in the laundry basket with her newest cousin Eli!

Friday, January 3, 2014

This Season

It's been a lovely season.  I feel like there are aspects of the Christmas Season that are fresh again to me because they have been fresh and new and exciting for Elise.  I've wondered about new things now that I have a child.  What was Jesus like as a baby and a child?  What was it like to be Jesus' mother?

We went to see the lights at Opryland Hotel this year.  They are really beautiful.  They also have a huge Nativity Scene outside that is quite impressive.  We realized that Elise has been comprehending the Christmas Story when she looked around with a confused look and asked "Where's cousin Elizabeth?"  Not typically portrayed in a Nativity Scene, but there were a couple of Mary's, so we just decided that one of them could be Elizabeth to ease Elise's confusion.

We've spent good times with family and friends.  Now Dane will be heading back to work on Monday.  We'll return to the normal (which never is quite normal) and continue on into this new year.  Hoping and praying that it holds things in store that will help us to grow to be more like Jesus.