Tuesday, July 27, 2010
There is probably not another state in whose residents have more of a state identity than Texas. From moving over to the shoulder to allow others to pass, to headin' on down to the rodeo on Saturday night to see children as young as 7 years old compete in various equestrian events, the many local customs give Texas the feel of an exotic locale.
But like any culture, Texas denizens comprise myriad lifestyles. We've enjoyed the unique experience of visiting both the Texas oil man among the pumpjack riddled plains of Midland, and the rancher/farmer, at home in the wide-open spaces near San Antonio. From them, we've learned the art of siphoning Texas Tea from the depths of the Permian Basin, and the rather messy business of long-distance animal husbandry.
Our time in Texas has been sweet crude, I mean sweet, and now our sights are set on the alluring brilliance of the eager diamonds of southwest Arkansas. And maybe along the way we'll see that magical-sounding land of Texarkana.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Oh Carolina
walk after breakfast
Dane and the wishing well
The beaches in Pawley's Island were beautiful. At Huntington Beach State Park we saw some real live alligators. No one was harmed in the process. Renee cooked up some yummy shrimp and grits for a real southern experience. We were introduced to singer Phillys Tanner-Frye at the greatest little art/music/coffee shop situated in an old house. Daniel loves the history of his "place" on this earth and shared stories and sights from Pawley's Island with us. It was a fun time.
On the way to NC, we stopped off for supper at Aunt Trudy and Uncle Donnie's house and got to visit with them and cousin David and his son, Colt. We spent a night with Grandma and Grandpa Haas and then went to my cousin Jennifer's beautiful wedding. Then, we drove all night just to get home by Sunday for ETEAM.
David, Uncle Donnie, Colt, Aunt Trudy, Dane and Michelle, Miriam and Adam, Renee and Daniel and Bella hiding in the background.
Jennifer the bride and Miriam
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Let the Jubilee Begin
The Sabbatical Year (Rest of Entire Rest, Year of Rest, Year of Release, The 7th Year) which is probably a more fitting name for what we are doing had many implications for the Israelites. To name a few:
1. Soil, vineyards, and the olive yard would have perfect rest. For our lives this means rest from a 9-5 income generating job.
2. Spontaneous growth of field or tree was for free use to the poor, hireling, stranger, servant and cattle. For our lives this means work that we produce will be for others.
3. Remission of Debts. For our lives I'm not sure...don't make others in debt to us, don't do things that would oppress the poor
4. At the Feast of Tabernacles, the law was to be read alound in solemn assembly before the sanctuary. For our lives this means reading scripture aloud together.
Jubilee in Hebrew is Yobel (a blast of a trumpet). This Year of Liberty was announced with the blowing of trumpets and yes, thanks to Dane, our Jubilee Year was started with the blast of a trumpet on June 1, 2010.